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Stage Three: Double Gapmatch

Double Gapmatch

Training Tip: We recommend that you reach n=6 on the Double Switchback exercise before you begin training with Double Gapmatch.

Double Gapmatch uses a training protocol called "dual n-back". Independent research has shown that if you train using the dual n-back protocol for as little as 19 days you will increase your fluid intelligence (problem-solving ability) by more than 40%. The dual n-back exercise can be tricky to grasp. We highly recommend that before you begin training you watch the training video below, read and digest the accompanying description, and then use the Practice mode selecting the option Display All Matches.

As with Double Ahead and Double Switchback, Double Gapmatch delivers two sequences at the same time - one visual and one aural. However, Double Gapmatch requires you to watch and listen to extended sequences while looking out and listening out for matching pairs in both the visual and aural series independently.

For a demonstration of Double Gapmatch, click on the "Start" button below:

start demo

Your goal: Watch and listen to the two sequences and try to find matching pairs that are two positions apart.
  • When you see the white square appear in the same place after an interim space (e.g., top left, bottom right, top left) press the A key (or the left arrow key).

  • When you hear the same letter repeated after an interim letter (e.g., F, G, F) press the L key (or the right arrow key).
The visual and aural items keep coming even as you register a match; you need to stay focused, matching as many pairs correctly as you can until the end of the series. At the first level of difficulty each training series, or block, consists of 22 items. Each block contains a total of 6 visual and 6 aural matches. You score a "hit" by correctly identifying a match. You score a "miss" when you don't register a match, or when you incorrectly register a match.

The following sequence shows a visual symbol match for the first and third positions:

Here is a longer series with matching block positions indicated by the colored arrows:

  • When you see a visual match two positions apart, press the "A" key on your computer keyboard.
  • When you hear an aural match two positions apart, press the "L" key on your computer keyboard.
  • There are 6 visual matches and 6 aural matches during each training block.
  • The visual/aural matches can occur at the same point in the sequence; just press both keys before the next symbol appears.
(Note: There'll be other matches, too, that aren't two positions apart; these matches you ignore.)

After each training block the program will tell you how many "Hits" and "Misses" you scored. A "Hit" is a correct identification of a match. A "Miss" is either a match that you didn't register, or a non-match that you accidentally registered.

If you score fewer than three misses on a training block, the program will automatically move you up to the next degree of difficulty -- instead of looking for matches two positions apart, you'll be looking for matches that are three positions apart.

As your training continues, the program will continuously monitor and adjust the degree of difficulty -- known as the "n-back" value (so called because it represents the number of positions back in the series that you need to match with the current position). If you score 2 or fewer misses on a training block, the program will increase the n-back value for the next block. If you score 6 or more misses on a training block, the n-back value will drop by 1 for the next block.

A course of training consists of 19 training sessions. You should aim to complete one session each day, five days per week for a minimum of 19 sessions. We highly recommend that you continue training in this way for 50 training sessions or more.

Each daily training session consists of 20 training blocks. The program will pause after each training block, show your scores for the last block, and adjust the degree of difficulty for the coming block.

Once you've reached a high level of comfort with Double Gapmatch (at least 50 sessions) you can challenge and stimulate your brain further, if you wish, by trying Nines.

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